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Community Groups

Our unique programs, in addition to the community-wide programs that we consistently attend, are made possible through the extensive work of the below community groups.  While some offer unique and warm environments to mix & mingle, others provide us a wealth of knowledge and an array of opportunities to meaningfully connect and serve our community together.

Together, we can cultivate a connected, informed, and inspired South Florida community that attracts, retains, and sustains the world's best.

Our Mission

Mint Prints

Mint Prints is our creative space that hosts many of our social gatherings. Outside of the structured mosque/academic settings, it provides everyone a welcoming space to warmly discuss new ideas, openly interact with each other, and pray together over delicious meals catered by Holy Land Goods.

South Florida Muslim Federation

Looking for a nearby mosque or a local Muslim-owned business? The South Florida Muslim Federation operates as a centralized community information hub. This website allows members to connect with all Muslims in South Florida, further showcase our businesses and events, and utilize the wide array of services and opportunities that our entire regional Muslim community offers. 

Ladies Halaqa Group

The women in the South Florida Muslim community actively participate in consistent sisters-only programming initiated by the Ladies Halaqa Group (South Florida). The sisters of SoFloMoPros are warmly welcomed to attend these monthly Learning Circles (Halaqas) on selected Sunday mornings. These halaqas are hosted at private residences throughout Broward County, are led by Dr. Aisha Subhani, and end with brunch and tea. 

Florida International University

Beginning in the Spring of 2017, we began utilizing the academic leadership of Florida International University's Mohsin and Fauzia Jaffer Center for Muslim World Studies. We often attend community lectures, as well as co-host events led by the Center's esteemed faculty and visiting professors. 

Urban Gardening in Brownsville

In the Fall of 2018, the Miami Foundation funded a grant proposal submitted by three of our members.  The project, "Turning Brownsville Green: A Community Garden for a Miami Food Desert" is an opportunity for us & friends to unite, break ground, plant greens, and build community papaya tree at a time!

The Lotus House

Our members began partnering with The Lotus House Women's Shelter in 2017. Located in Miami's Overtown community, members collectively fundraise to sponsor Pizza Parties & Game Nights on-site for the women and children who live there.

Sanad Trust Foundation

Sanad is a soul-centered family education center that nurtures, develops, and sustains the intellectual & spiritual growth of youth, seniors, and their families. In September 2018, our members began visiting Sanad Prep for monthly career presentations to introduce @SanadTrust students to various occupations throughout South Florida. Interested in sharing your career story with Sanad students? Click on the button below to visit their site

 Masjid Al-Ansar

Masjid Al-Ansar is Florida's oldest mosque. Founded with the help of Muhammad Ali in 1968, Masjid Al-Ansar is an anchor in the South Florida community, and we have enthusiastically participated in activities organized by Masjid Al-Ansar since September 2017. Thus far, with the leadership of Masjid Al-Ansar, we have helped prepare post-Hurricane Irma food packages for neighbors, fundraised for the masjid's roof repairs and for books for the school's students, coordinated halaqas with visiting scholars, hosted an iftar during Ramadan 2018, and participated in Friday Night BBQ's. We welcome you to join us for future events and initiatives!

Imam Izhar & MJAM

Imam Izhar is a graduate of Darul Uloom Al Madania in Buffalo, NY. He is a Hafidh of Qur'an, Alim, and Mufti. He currently serves as the Imam of Masjid Jamaat Al Mumineen (MJAM) in Margate. We began working with Imam Izhar & MJAM in the Summer of 2017. Together, we co-hosted our first program in August of that same year. Since then, Imam Izhar & MJAM have graciously hosted our group for 2018 & 2019 Ramadan Weekends.  Imam Izhar has also led a Halaqa for us, as well as initiated our group's web-based Q&A with Imam Izhar.

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South Florida Muslim Young Professionals is an engaging local space for Muslim young professionals and graduate students to network, exchange ideas, share resources, and build community.

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