Our Programs
South Florida is a dynamic hub of diverse activities. ​In addition to attending and supporting South Florida's wide array of existing activities, the members of the South Florida Muslim Young Professionals have developed a few programs of our own. See below for more information on each of these unique programs!

"We explore together, learn from each other, break bread together, laugh together, and pray together. What more could you want in a group of friends?"

Eid Brunch
On every Eid al-Fitr since 2017, we meet for brunch to celebrate! We conveniently choose a central location, so members from Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties can meet, fill our bellies, and exchange gifts. Keep a lookout on our Events page for more details on our next Eid Brunch!
Beginning in November 2017, we initiated a Friendsgiving Potluck Dinner, bringing together our members who remain in South Florida during Thanksgiving weekend. On a selected night, we come together to celebrate the new and old friendships that are facilitated by our community and share an array of homemade dishes, sip tea, laugh, and pray together.

Q&A with Imam Izhar
In January 2019, six members piloted a web-based "Faith & Fiqh" Q&A with Imam Izhar. After a compelling trial run, we were excited to formally introduce the online Q&A program to all members during Ramadan 2019 at Masjid Jamaat Al Mumineen! The web-based Q&A program is now open for all members who attend Imam Izhar's events and programs. Want to be added to the online Q&A group? You can request to be added at Imam Izhar's next event!